Coming soon…

I am working on my own website. Please bear with me. As a freelancer, I always put my clients first and neglect my own happiness. I’ll try and have this website up and running as soon as possible. When exactly, that will depend on the amount of coffee I have left.

In the meantime, you can follow my adventures on my Facebook page:

Translator Dude
Translator Dude
Today, a colleague posted a story about an agency that applies a discount grid to editing jobs. Not only does that show that some agencies really don't have a clue what translation is about and all they care about is profits at the expense of their translators, they also make my job far too easy. I don't even have to come up with absurd jokes myself anymore.
#xl8 #translation #cartoon #discounts #clientsfromhell
Translator Dude
Translator Dude
Happy International Translators' Day!
For me, it's a day to celebrate a (partial) career change: I have been teaching translation as a hobby for a few years now, but starting next week, I'll be a full-time lecturer in translation. Absolutely looking forward to helping form the next generation of translators!
I will not be giving up freelancing entirely, but I'll have to put it on the back burner. But on the bright side (The Killers' birthday reference, anyone?), I do hope to finally have time to draw more than in the past few months...
Translator Dude
Translator Dude
If you thought ChatGPT couldn't benefit freelance translators, think again!

#xl8 #chatgpt #openai #AI #translators #freelancelife
Translator Dude
Translator Dude
Boys and their toys... Testing a new tool to start drawing digitally instead of on paper. Same drawing as the last cartoon I posted, but a different style. Still testing and exploring the possibilities, but feel free to comment.